1. Nien Cheng obituary | Books | The Guardian
Nov 10, 2009 · Life and Death in Shanghai (1987) is a memoir of huge sorrow and triumph by Nien Cheng, who has died aged 94; it could be read as symbolic of the story of ...
Chinese writer scarred by the Cultural Revolution
2. Life and Death in Shanghai | TIME
Feb 5, 2007 · Nien Cheng, 72, born into a wealthy landowning family, met her husband, Kang-chi Cheng, in 1935 in England, where both were studying at the ...
This is the extraordinary story of an extraordinary woman who, despite 6 1/2 long years of imprisonment and torment in Communist China, not only survived but endured and even prevailed. It is a story...
3. SOLITARY - Chicago Tribune
Jul 12, 1987 · Cheng became a target of Mao`s Cultural Revolution for two reasons: She was wealthy and she had foreign contacts. Cheng was born into an ...
Ten million Chinese were living in Shanghai in 1966, but only a few could afford the lovely nine-room house, three servants and comfortable lifestyle that Nien Cheng, a wealthy 51-year-old widow, a…
Mar 18, 1988 · ... Kang-chi Cheng became general manager of Shell Oil's Shanghai office. After his death in 1957, Shell hired Nien Cheng as a special adviser.
For Nien Cheng, who was imprisoned for nearly seven years during China’s Cultural Revolution, writing Life and Death in Shanghai was a way of putting the past behind her. “I tried to fo…
5. A Profile In Resilience — The Story of Nien Cheng and Her Life After ...
Missing: Kang- | Show results with:Kang-
How can we grow in resilience? In her prison cell, Nien Cheng cultivated inner resources which offer us lessons when we feel alone and…
6. [PDF] Section 4 The Cultural Revolution and its aftermath, 1966-76 - Nanjing
Cheng's house was visited by a rival unit. ... They also put a large-character wall poster on the outside of the house accusing Nien Cheng of 'conspiring with ...
See AlsoWhere To Watch Taidada Australia
7. The Shanghai Quartet's Chinasong: A Musical Counterpart to English ...
12 At twenty, she enrolled in a master's program at the London. School of Economics, where she fell in love with Kang- chi Cheng, whom she ... Nien Cheng, Life ...
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8. Book Review: Nien Cheng – Life & Death in Shanghai
Missing: Kang- | Show results with:Kang-
When Nien Cheng passed away on November 2, 2009, I did not know who she was. Chinese studies listserves were abuzz about her passing, but as someone who start
9. LIN FENGMIAN (1900-1991), Opera Figures: Lotus Lantern | Christie's
After 1949, Nien Cheng's husband, Kang-chi Cheng, served at the Shell Oil ... I particularly admired the painting, which is now with you, and he explained its ...
Opera Figures: Lotus Lantern
10. Nien Cheng dies at 94; survivor of torture during China's Cultural ...
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Cheng recounted her 61/2 years of imprisonment in an acclaimed memoir, 'Life and Death in Shanghai.' Despite solitary confinement and losing her teeth, she refused to succumb to her interrogators.
11. [PDF] CONTEMPORARY CHINA: A BOOK LIST - Princeton University
Polumbaum, Judith, (perhaps books; look now for articles) ... Chen Kang, Chinese Economy...Micro Changes & Macro Implications ...
12. Kang-Chun Cheng - New Lines Magazine
Missing: Nien | Show results with:Nien
Kang-Chun Cheng “KC” is an environmental photojournalist based in Nairobi, Kenya. She reports on land-use conflicts, the impact of climate change and technology on Indigenous communities, and the environmental and geopolitical dimensions of China-Africa relationships.