Cory Monteith Brasil Twitter (2025)

1. Lea Michele remembers Cory Monteith on his birthday - USA Today

  • May 11, 2015 · It's Cory Monteith's birthday, and if he were still alive he would have turned 33 today. The date hasn't escaped Lea Michele, who sent out a ...

  • The late 'Glee' star would have turned 33 today.

2. Cory Monteith's Glee Costars React to His Death. Plus, Remembrances ...

  • Jul 13, 2013 · Following the shocking news that Glee's Cory Monteith has passed away at the age of 31, his costars turned to Twitter to express their disbelief and sadness.

  • Following the shocking news that Glee's Cory Monteith has passed away at the age of 31, his costars turned to Twitter to express their disbelief and sadness. In fact, one of Cory's last tweets was an almost eerie snapshot that a friend took (and he retweeted), which he then used as his new profile picture days before his death in Canada. .@eastofMAINcafe and @ProjLimelight Great meal with good friends. @maureenwebb Oh. And this guy. @CoryMonteith— Elena K. (@slimyagent) July 12, 2013 Monteith's costar Mark Salling (Puck) tweeted "no" (which received over 22,000 RTs), but by midnight PT, he had removed the tweet. 20th Century Fox (the studio behind Glee) and @GleeOnFox (the official Glee Twitter feed) tweeted the following shortly after midnight: We are deeply saddened by this tragic news. Cory was an exceptional talent and an even more exceptional person.— 20th Century Fox TV (@20centuryfoxTV) July 14, 2013 Cory was a true joy to work with and we will all miss him tremendously. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and loved ones.— 20th Century Fox TV (@20centuryfoxTV) July 14, 2013 Dot Marie Jones (Coach Beiste) I HAVE NO WORDS! MY HEART IS BROKEN CORY WAS NOT

3. Lea michele on outlet twitter -

4. Twitter faz restrospectiva 2013; morte de Cory Monteith foi a mais retuitada

  • Dec 12, 2013 · Basta clicar no mês desejado para visualizar as hashtags que fizeram sucesso com conteúdo voltado também para o Brasil. Twitter relembra ...

  • Microblog relembra assuntos que marcaram o ano na rede social, como anúncio do novo Papa, Rock in Rio, SuperBowl e morte de Nelson Mandela.

5. Lea Michele recuerda a Cory Monteith: Twitter llora

  • Al cumplirse un nuevo aniversario del fallecimiento de Cory Monteith, su ex pareja y compañera en “Glee”, Lea Michele, escribió en Twitter: “La luz siempre ...

  • EL DIA, diario de La Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Información actualizada de La Plata, de la Argentina y el mundo.

6. SuperX (Twitter Analytics) - Chrome Web Store

  • SuperX is a X (Twitter) analytics tool that helps you learn a lot about your activities, and catching up missing tweets from your friends with custom timeline.

  • Super insights for your X (Twitter) activities and engagements

7. Lea Michele homenageia Cory Monteith no Twitter | GZH

  • A atriz Lea Michele, da série Glee, fez uma emocionante homenagem ao seu amor a Cory Monteith, ator da mesma série, que morreu em julho do ano passado após ...

  • O ator, que morreu de overdose em julho do ano passado, completaria 32 anos no domingo do Dia das Mães

8. Glee star Lea Michele makes emotional tribute to Cory Monteith

  • Aug 12, 2013 · Lea Michele, leading actress in musical comedy-drama Glee, has given a tearful dedication to her late co-star and real-life boyfriend Cory Monteith.


9. Lo más popular en Twitter este 2013: las muertes de Paul Walker y Cory ...

  • Dec 12, 2013 · ... Glee y pareja de Cory Monteith, fue lo más compartido. El mensaje ... Brasil 2014 acapararon la mayor parte de la información en Twitter.

  • La red de microblogging dio a conocer su lista de tuits más viralizados en distintos ejes temáticos

10. Pelo Twitter, fãs lamentam morte do ator Cory Monteith - Terra

  • Jul 14, 2013 · Fãs do canadense Cory Monteith, o Finn Hudson da série Glee, lamentaram a morte do ator que foi ...

  • Fãs do canadense Cory Monteith, o Finn Hudson da série Glee, lamentaram a morte do ator que foi ...

11. A vez do Twitter recordar 2013

  • Dec 12, 2013 · O post campeão foi escrito pela atriz do seriado Glee, Lea Michele, na ocasião da morte de Cory Monteith, seu namorado e também colega de elenco ...

  • Os principais fatos do ano resumidos em 140 caracteres. Todas as principais notícias, acontecimentos, mortes, nascimentos, mudanças,

Cory Monteith Brasil Twitter (2025)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.